More than 75 per cent of Uganda’s population lives in rural areas and depends heavily on groundwater resources.

Ground Water Year Book is based on the information generated through field studies. The data has been analyzed by Officers of Central Ground Water Board, State Unit Office, Delhi and presented in the report.

The revised master plan for artificial recharge to groundwater has been made for the whole country at the level of district/Block. The plan is macro plan formulated to work out the feasibility of various structures for the different terrain conditions of the country and respective estimated cost.

To depict ground water scenario, water level is monitored during pre monsoon, during monsoon, post monsoon and post irrigation period with reference to spatial behaviour of ground water regime for each monitoring period, pre and post monsoon (seasonal), annual (corresponding period of preceding year) as well as changes with reference to last dec

Ground water is a dynamic and replenishable resource and monitoring spatial and temporal changes of this resource is essential for sustainable development and management. The water level data is of paramount importance in development and management of water resources in the country.

On the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its order dated 10th December, 1996 passed in Civil writ Petition No 4677 of 1985, MC Mehta Vs Union of India, the Central Government had constituted the Central Ground Water Board as Authority vide notification number S.O.

Report of the Oversight Committee, National Green Tribunal in Original Application No. 176/2015 in the matter of Shailesh Singh Vs Hotel Holiday Regency, Moradabad & Others.

A Bill for an Act to establish a regulatory framework for the Water Resources Sector In Nigeria, provide for the equitable and sustainable development, management, use and conservation of Nigeria's Surface Water And Groundwater Resources; and for related matters. The Bill introduced into the House of Representatives by Dr.

In West Bengal, ground water level monitoring is being carried out by Central Ground Water Board, Eastern Region from 1500 Ground Water Monitoring Wells covering all districts of West Bengal encompassing various hydrogeological and agro-climatic zones during the month of April, 2019, August, 2019, November, 2019 and January, 2020.

To build a realistic ground water management strategy, assessment of ground water availability and its quality is a pre-requisite. With this in view, Central Ground Water Board has established a network of Ground Water Monitoring Wells (GWMW) tapping different aquifers in the State.
