Government authorities have failed to intensify monitoring of waste management in hospitals, nursing homes, industries and hotels owing to the pressure from these groups.

Disposal of bio-medical waste

Despite instructions from the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB), health care facilities (HCF) operating in parts of Punjab have failed to adhere to the prescribed norms and have been disposing of their bio-medical waste in the open.

The Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP) on Wednesday conducted a review meeting on biomedical waste disposal in secondary care government hospitals in seven districts of Western Tamil Nadu.

COIMBATORE: Despite the assurances from the city corporation and State Pollution Control Board Officials, medical waste is being dumped inside the city corporation's Vellalore dump yard.

Kathmandu Metropolitan City has stepped up monitoring waste management in hospitals and hotels based in the City.

You go to a hospital to get cured, but little do you know that there is a biomedical bomb ticking in the yards of the Capital's most trusted hospitals which could make you sicker than before.

Kullu, July 22: Villagers of Balh and Mahol gram panchayats recently held a protest on the National Highway against the faulty integrated waste management and treatment plant.

The Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC) had prepared the CSP with support from GIZ-ASEM (German International Cooperation), Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD), Bangalore and CEPT Un

अब ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल ने जैव चिकित्सा अपशिष्ट (बायोमेडिकल वेस्ट) निस्तारण पर सख्त रुख अपनाया है। ट्रिब्यूनल ने उत्तर प्रदेश प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड से अस्पताली कचरे, उसके निस्तारण व संयंत्रों के बारे

District level officials of Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board have decided to keep a tab on private plastic recycling units operating outside their radar following recent incidents of illegal wast
