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At a time when the demand for supercomputers among American scientists far outstrips availability, the federal government is rapidly shifting its spending for the fastest and most powerful machines

A self-taught inventor's dreams of joining the space race came sharply down to earth on Friday when his pound 70,000 hand-built rocket crashed, setting fire to several hundred acres of Dartmoor (UK).

Beheaded frogs and disemboweled rats could soon be the exception rather than the rule in education and teaching. That's thanks to the new software published by the Stuggart-based publishing house

The Agency of Industrial Science and Technology plans to launch a broad study into human behaviour in order to develop machinery control systems capable of identifying when the operator is fatigued

Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International said it had developed technology for controlling a computer by signing with bare hands. The Kyoto-based multimedia research facility

Japan, like other nations, has taken steps to reinforce controls on making and using asbestos. A portable device for instantaneous measurement of asbestos concentrations in the air has been developed

The construction of a global super-internet specifically designed for business applications will begin on December 1, a senior official said. Dubbed as "Project Oxygen", it will provide virtually

Russia's MiG aerospace firm is developing a new version of the advanced MiG-31 fighter plane to launch lightweight satellites into low-earth orbit, the business daily Kommersant reported on

A significant step towards indigenous aircraft development was achieved last month with the completion of flight trials of the naval variant advanced light helicopter (ALH) from the aircraft carrier

A Haryana-based forensic scientist has developed a statistical method that offers greater precision in identifying a dead person from a photograph. The technique can be used along with the existing
