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Intelsat, the inter-governmental satellite organisation, announced it would spin off five satellites plus one under construction, creating a privatised company called New Skies Satellites. The

India has successfully thwarted US attempts to limit supercomputer technology to the developed world by coming up with a powerful "teraflop" machine. According to Mr Vijay Bhtkar, the man behind

Two new software packages enabling pilots to use laptops to avoid hazardous terrain and find their place on maps are the latest success of a NASA program bringing together entrepreneurs and space

Prime Minister Tony Blair announced an accelerated program to forestall the catastrophic essential service lapses, business losses and communications blackouts that he said could be caused by the

The threat from multi-national companies which went all-out to patent "bhujiya" and thus command a monopoly, has forced bhujiya makers here (Bikaner) to use modern methods to produce this delicacy.

Government and industry support groups step in to check pollution by small scale units

Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. said it has worked with Fujitsu Ltd. to develop technology for fast, precise drawing of patterns for large scale integrated circuits with electron beam lithography. The

Plastics reinforced with carbon fibres are light and durable - very desirable if you are building an aircraft wing or fuselage. But the virtues of these composites go beyond weight and strength, says

If you can make it here... : Chernobyl will soon become a testing ground for new robot technology. The state of the art mobile robots could help clean up Chernobyl and there are many other potential

Asia's biggest supercomputer, the Param-10,000, was unveiled in Pune on saturday, placing India among an exclusive club of countries with supercomputer
