12 Oct 2015

There are two opposing visions of the new climate regime and the unresolved issue is whether the multilateral consensus at Paris will be around climate justice, reflecting the concerns of the majority of the human population, or environmental integrity, which reflects the approach adopted in the negotiation text, released on 5 October 2015.

daya's picture
Posted in:
07 Sep 2015


What countries will do at the national level is less important than the nature and scope of international cooperation




30 Apr 2015

Moving sustainability from ideas to reality and regaining the leadership of developing countries




05 Nov 2014

Mukul Sanwal[1]


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has now unequivocally stated that “the evidence suggests that outcomes seen as equitable can lead to more effective [international] cooperation”.


06 Oct 2014



Global climate policy is being reframed, moving away from an exclusive focus on emissions, the symptoms, to the causes of the problem, use of energy, and new sustainable development architecture.


Thu, 2014-11-27 (All day)
15 Apr 2014

Small changes in urban human behavior and increased energy efficiency will have a positive impact on our natural resources.


Mukul Sanwal[1]

