Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion SUO MOTU Based on the News Item in Dinamalar Tamil Newspaper dated 27.01.2020, “A Bridge has become a source of spreading Contamination and Communicable Diseases” Vs The Government of Tamil Nadu, Represented by its Chief Secretary and Others dated 03/02/2020 regarding dumping of solid waste and animal waste from the meat shops beneath the Pallavaram Round over bridge. Further, it has become a place where sewage water is also stagnated due to non maintenance of the sewage system in that area.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 dated 07/01/2020 regarding status of compliance of waste management and other issues in different States/UTs in compliance of earlier orders of the NGT.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhas Datta Vs State of West Bengal & Others dated 18/12/2019 regarding dumping municipal waste at Mollar Bheri, Kolkata, West Bengal. It was alleged that Bidhan Nagar Municipal Corporation, Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority (NDITA) and Newton Kolkata Development Authority (NKDA) dispose of waste in the wetland.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Energy Generation Through Waste/Garbage, 12/12/2019. A total capacity of 63.50 MW of projects for generation of power from municipal solid wastes/garbage have been set up in the country in recent past by private developers selected by competitive bidding by Local Urban Bodies in various States.

Report of District Magistrate, Palwal in OA- 741 of 2019 in the matter of Kapil Sagar Vs State of Haryana in compliance of National Green Tribunal order dated 25/09/2019.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of State Level Monitoring Committee, Kerala Vs State of Kerala dated 20/11/2019 regarding legacy waste dumped at and around Bharampuram in the outskirts of Kochi City.

Status report on behalf of state of Uttar Pradesh pursuance to the National Green Tribunal order of July 29, 2019. The matter relates to drinking water supply, sewerage, drainage system and solid waste disposal in the city of Agra as well as the areas coming under the Cantonment Board, Agra and eco-sensitive zone of Taj Trapezium Zone.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 and other environmental issues dated 18/10/2019.

A growing global population and rising living standards are producing ever greater quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW). This same growth in population and living standards is also driving ever-larger demand for energy, especially electricity.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Vs State of Himachal Pradesh & Others dated 10/10/2019 regarding pollution of river Ashwani Khud in Himachal Pradesh. The river was found to be full of plastic. There was accumulation of solid waste in the drains joining the river. The Tribunal in its previous order had called for regular removal and cleaning and installation of trap nets on major rivulets and drains connected to Ashwani Khud.
