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The characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) is major factor, which considered as a basis for the design of efficient, cost effective and envrionmentally compatible waste management system. Solid waste management system requires a greater knowledge about composition of MSW. In present study, the compositions of Bhopal municipality waste were estimated and analysis for better MSW management.

One of the major problems being faced by cities and towns relate to management of municipal solid waste (MSW). Waste quantities are increasing and municipal authorities are not able to upgrade or scale up the facilities required for proper management of such wastes. In many cities and towns, garbage is littered on roads and foot-paths.

Utilisation of Municipal Solid Waste is important to curb the ever rising demand of scarce land for its disposal. Changing life style patterns, particularly in urban areas, has led to increase in generation of MSW. Municipal solid waste from Indian cities estimated to have 40% - 60% organic matter, which could be recycled as compost. The most suitable way to recycle it with low investment is aerobic composting using windrow method. With the compliance of Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000, many cities in India are making compost with organic portion of MSW.

Ecosystem is affected by uneducated, unplanned and ineffective waste management. The cycle of garbage generation and recycling is effective to make the cities environment more pollution free, clean, green and habitable for healthy living. In an effort to understand the dynamics of waste management and scope in Delhi & NCR the

The paper discusses the characteristics of leachate generated from municipal solid waste landfilling sites of Ludhiana City, Punjab (India). Leachate samples were collected and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters to estimate its pollution potential. This study aims to serve as a reference for the implementation of the most suitable technique for reducing the negative environmental effects of discharge leachate. All the three landfilling sites of Ludhiana city are nonengineered low lying open dumps.

PIL filed in the High Court of Gujarat in the matter of Swashrayi Mahila Seva Sangh (SEWA) Vs Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation & Others. SEWA files Public Interest Litigation to appoint a High Powered Committee to frame a policy and mandatory rules for preserving and enhancing employment of waste pickers all over India. This can be done by integrating them into city and solid waste management policies with special reference to the right to work and life of women as well as the Valmiki and Dalit community.

As the world wakes up to to the crisis of Ocean Plastic, India plans on a complete ban on single use plastic by 2022. Times Now looks at how India is planning to fight the plastic epidemic.

No ban on single use plastic, only awareness programs. No definitive timelines either. Are we any closer to finding alternatives for the single use plastic? Are we really prepared for plastic ban?

लगातार बढ़ती आबादी और शहरीकरण के साथ भारत में पिछले एक दशक में कचरे के ताबाद बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रही है. सालाना लगभह 3 करोड़ 65 लाख टन कचरा पैदा होता है. कुल जमा किए गए कचरे में से 94 फीसदी को जमीन पर डाला जाता है और 5 फीसदी कम्पोस्ट होता है.

In a shocking incident today, two people were killed and five others injured when a portion of the massive Ghazipur landfill site in east Delhi caved in. Due to the cave-in, a car and two two-wheelers fell into the Kondli canal which flows near the landfill site. This segment of DNA analyses this shame incident.
