The Supreme Court on Friday said that mining activities in Karnataka, especially in Bellary region, will have to stop if it has crossed a certain point of endurance for the environment. “There may be leases, legal or illegal, but if it has gone beyond a certain point, it has to stop,” the Supreme Court’s Green Bench led by Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia observed.

State-run iron ore miner NMDC Ltd has finalised a Rs 3,000-crore slurry pipeline project for evacuating ore from its Bailadila mines in Chhattisgarh to Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.

State-run KIOCL has got the lease to the 10 million tonnes Chikkanayakanahalli or CNH iron ore reserve, paving the way for supplies to its ore plant at Mangalore for at least three years, according to a senior executive.
KIOCL, formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company, was forced to give up its mines in 2005 after a Supreme Court ban, and was running its pellet plant with supplies from national miner

State-run NMDC on Monday agreed to team up with Australia

State-owned mining maharatna National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC), that is leading India

Describing the procedure of fixing the sale value of iron ore by Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) as incorrect, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has requested the Centre to revise the price to match the prevailing market rate.

Naveen said in a letter, reportedly written to Union Minister of State for Mines Dinsha J Patel, that the methodology and procedure being used by IBM are flawed and detrimental

National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is all set to acquire stakes in two iron ore mines and a phosphate mine in Australia this week to bolster its resource base.

Burying its past failures, International Coal Ventures Limited (ICVL), a special purpose vehicle of state-owned steel and mining companies, has prepared a blueprint to utilise its Rs 10,000-crore war-chest to acquire at least seven coal mines in Australia, Indonesia, USA and Mozambique in the coming months.

The steel ministry has told ICVL to intensify efforts to enhance its raw material securi

Days after Goa chief minister Digamber Kamat sought Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

The government is willing to part finance domestic companies in their global bid for the Hajigak iron ore mine in Afghanistan given the strategic importance of the war-torn country for India.
