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Aid agencies are urging the world's powers not to suspend humanitarian aid to North Korea as punishment for Kim Jong-il's claimed nuclear test, warning of widespread hunger in the isolated state if

The UNICEF is sending shortly a team of experts to study the drought-like situation the State is facing due to the failure of monsoon this time. Disclosing this yesterday before the newsmen here,

Massive erosion by the river Brahmaputra at south Ahatguri has become a matter of serious concern. The erosion has caused so much havoc that 158 families have been rendered homeless. Several

South Asian countries will have a common institutional mechanism to tackle disasters with the setting up of the Saarc Disaster Management Centre (SDMC). The centre, the first of its kind in the

very shoddy approach of the State government in bringing a vital problem to the attention of the Central government once again came to light when the Union Minister for Agriculture and Consumer

The Andhra Pradesh government has decided to amend the drought manual following erratic southwest monsoon this year. The drought rules stipulate that the state should record 50 per cent deficient

This year's drought during kharif season has adversely affected production of oilseed, especially of the sunflower, in the district. Sunflower and groundnut are the major oilseed crops cultivated in

Victims of the massive earthquake that hit Jammu and Kashmir exactly an year ago staged a protest here today against the slow pace of the rehabilitation of those affected by the disaster that

For a city that has one of the most vulnerable coastlines in the country, here is more cause for worry: a major part of Chennai is seismically prone and is a 'high hazard' earthquake area, according
