Bhutan will decrease its annual import of ozone depleting sub stances (ODS) from 150 kilogrammes to 75 kilogrammes in compliance with the Montreal Protocol ratified by the 82nd session of the
The Bangladesh government with the financial support of Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund (MLF) will procure 9000 kits to convert the CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) running refrigerators in the country
The winter hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica appears to have grown from last year but is still smaller than in 2003, when it was at its largest, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
The hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica has grown to near record size this year, suggesting 20 years of pollution controls have so far had little effect, the United Nations said. In a bulletin
Minister for Environment, Science and Technology Prakash Koirala has said Nepal has made commitment for reducing the elements that destroy the ozone layer by 2010 as Nepal is a party to the Protocol
More than 350 phase out projects in various sectors using Ozone Depleting Subtances (ODS) are in different stages of progress in India, and Gujarat may bear the brunt in the services sector by not
High up in the sky, kit protects the Earth from getting torched. But closer to the ground, ozone seems to be adversely affecting productivity of several crops including rice and wheat. In a unique
Greenpeace is usually associated with direct action rather than dialogue. But sometimes one can change into the other, and that is what happened when the campaign group challenged Unilever to change
increased ozone concentration at ground level is damaging crops worth millions of dollars in the uk. Lisa Emberson of the Switzerland-based Stockholm Environment Institute recently developed a