Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Storage of Spent Fuel Near Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project, 25/07/2019. There has been some opposition to setting up of ‘Away From Reactor’ (AFR) facility at Kudankulam by a section of the people living around the site because of misinformation being spread by some groups.
Bill to set up single tribunal to settle inter-state water disputes in Lok Sabha. A bill to help adjudicate disputes relating to waters of inter-State rivers and river valleys at a faster pace was introduced in Lok Sabha on 25 July, 2019 amid protests by opposition parties which said states were not consulted.
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Urban homeless population in the country, 24/07/2019. As per Census 2011, the total number of houseless urban household in India is 2,56,896. The State/UT-wise details are attached at Annexure-I.
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Radiation Technology for Sewage Treatment , 24/07/2019. BARC has given wide publicity to the use of radiation technology for sewage treatment.
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Evictions due to demolition of slums, 24/07/2019. “In-situ” Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) component under PMAY(U) Mission mandates to use land as a resource for providing houses to slum dwellers.
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Auctioning of Coal Mine to Private Sector, 24/07/2019. In the year 2018-19, total coal production in the country was 730.35 Million Tonnes (MT). Out of this, CIL produced 606.89 MT which is 83% of the total domestic production.
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Major diseases threatening the country, 23/07/2019. Under National AIDS Control Programme, a fully funded Central Sector Scheme, lifelong free anti-retroviral therapy (ART) for HIV infection is provided to more than 13.14 lakh PLHIV through 546 ART centers.
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Assessment of un-electrified rural households, 23/07/2019. As reported by the States, all inhabited census villages across the country stood electrified on 28.04.2018, including Assam and other North Eastern States.