Despite the call for a global paradigm shift in water governance—from the traditional reductionist engineering approach to the more holistic integrated river basin governance framework—a change is not yet perceptible in India’s water governance architecture.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of The State of Haryana (Department of Irrigation) Vs The State of Punjab & Others 04/10/2023.

The volume is a collection of essays and cases on water federalism. The contributors are a well-known group of academics, practitioners, and civil society actors.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of the State of Tamil Nadu Vs the State of Karnataka & Others dated 14/12/2022.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Water Resources (2021-22) deals with the action taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in their Twelfth Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) on ‘Flood Management in the Country including International Water Treaties in the field of Water Resource Management with particular Referen

This book explores the implications of urbanization in South Asia for water (in-) security in the peri-urban spaces of Dhaka and Khulna in Bangladesh, Bengaluru, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Pune in India, and Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.

Target 6.5 is: “By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate.” Indicator 6.5.2 looks at the area of a country within transboundary basins and assesses the extent to which that area is covered by operational cooperation arrangements.

Even as a huge body of empirical evidence points to the cooperation-inducing character of shared water, popular narrative seems to get carried away in its visions of water wars and outright conflict. Theoretical literature largely focuses on bargaining and treaty negotiations as efficient solutions to intractable water conflicts.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of The State of Maharashtra Vs The State of Goa Chief Engineer & Others dated 20/02/2020 regarding publishing the award dated August 14, 2018 of the Mahadayi Water Disutes Tribunal for sharing of water between Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra from the Mahadayi river.

The Blue Peace Index examines the extent to which countries and basins are managing their shared water resources in a sustainable, equitable and collaborative manner. The index is a tool for understanding challenges and opportunities for improving transboundary water cooperation and management of shared water resources.
