This development comes at a time when the thermal power sector is saddled with 40,000 MW of stressed assets

L&T, which builds solar power plants for energy companies, among other things, is working on enhancing services with its own robotised module cleaning system and containerised storage solutions

States have been providing misleading data to save on transmission charges of electricity, a report published by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) pointed out.

In February 2019, Bridge to India published its report for the fourth quarter of 2018. The country’s total solar power generation capacity stood at 28.06 GW (see chart alongside).

SA’s drive to boost the renewable energy sector has received a boost following the signing of a $300m loan agreement between the New Development Bank (NDB) and Development Bank of Southern Africa (

Kunal Chandra, managing director of Proinso India, the Indian arm of the UK-based solar solutions provider, said going ahead, some of the important events that will drive demand in the solar market

Rwanda will construct 18 new electricity substations with the aim of reinforcing the country's energy sector to ensure sufficient and reliable energy access, Rwandan Minister of Infrastructure Clav

India has awarded tenders for 12 GW of transmission lines since December, while bids for a further 16 GW will be launched by the end of June.

DK Thakur Executive Director BHEL Bhopal the other day in presence of POWERGRID officials, flagged off the first unit of 800 kV HVDC Transformer for country’s prestigious 6000 MW Raigarh Pugalur pr

About Rs 2.7 lakh crore would be required till FY22 to build the additional electricity transmission system in the country, the National Electricity Plan (NEP) on transmission published by the Cent
