Forests in and around Madhya Pradesh capital lack caring capacity and necessary prey base, forcing the tigers to move out of their natural habitat and come close to human habitations in cities, acc

Over hundred rhinos, 45 tigers and 85 elephants across the country have fallen prey to poachers in the last three years, the Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday.

Bhopal: Nine months on, Madhya Pradesh forest department is still clueless on reasons behind movement of tigers from Ratapani wildlife sanctuary towards Bhopal instead of Singori and Khiwni sanctua

New Delhi: The ambitious e-eye surveillance system of tracking tigers has been made operational in key sanctuaries in the country, including Kaziranga and Corbett reserves, the Centre said on Monda

Mounting pressure from National Green Tribunal on the issue of notifying Ratapani sanctuary as a tiger reserve and pending case in Madhya Pradesh high court, Jabalpur the government decided to go a

National Green Tribunal (NGT) asked Madhya Pradesh government for status of all proposals sent by forest department to Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) regarding Ratapani Sanctuary and th

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has raised concerns over possible 'man-animal conflict' due to three tigers that have strayed into Bhopal from Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary.

Several initiatives have been taken by govt for conservation and protection of tigers and other wild animals in the country.

Two Madhya Pradesh government departments are at odds over restarting of a carcass utilisation plant inside a wildlife sanctuary which activists say poses threat to tigers living in the area.

Madhya Pradesh high court on Tuesday show caused state government for an undue delay in notifying Ratapani area as a tiger reserve despite receiving an "in-principle approval" from the Centre in 20
