In the first faint signs of rapprochement since Tata Motors withdrew its iconic Nano small project from West Bengal last year, Chairman Ratan Tata said he would return the land in Singur if the West Bengal government compensated the company for the investment it made at the site and was open to considering an alternative project there.
In a bid to put counter pressure on Railway minister Miss Mamata Banerjee for her alternative proposal for Singur, the state government now wants unutilised land belonging to the Railways for setting up of industrial parks for micro and small-scale industries.
Mamata Banerjee today sprang on Singur a proposal for a railway coach factory, taking a symbolic pro-industry stride in the same spot where she had launched the agitation against the Nano.
Having driven Tata Motors away from Singur, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday unveiled her own industrial plan for the abandoned site in Hooghly district. It won
Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee today said her ministry was prepared to set up a rail coach factory at Singur, provided 600 acres of the 1,000-acre land earlier acquired by the Tatas to set up the
Sohini Das & Ishita Ayan Dutt / Kolkata April 21, 2009, 0:34 IST
Whether Tata Motors will vacate the site of its original Nano car factory at Singur or not may depend, many believe, on how many people book the now-famous vehicle.
Calcutta: Representatives of the Chinese First Automobile Works today met Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and said they were exploring the possibility of setting up a car plant on the Singur plot from where the Tata Nano was to roll out.