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In what may be a strong signal of its approach towards future climate deal, India on Monday called for a "paradigm shift" in global attitude towards climate change and urged nations of high solar p

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will help Myanmar develop renewable energy under a three-year project until 2017, according to an official statement published on Wednesday, reports BSS.

Britain's conservation charity the National Trust switched on its first large-scale renewable energy project on Wednesday and launched a new trading company to sell its power to the country's natio

In prelude to the 9th GRIHA SUMMIT, a panel discussion was organised on whether ‘Sustainable is Affordable’ or not. The discussion focused on key issues like how will buildings become more green and sustainable. Mr. Gaurav Gupta, Director, SG Estates was also a member of the panel discussion which highlighted the key points towards achieving a more sustainable scenario in today’s world along with addressing what all difficulties that might arise in achieving this goal.

Tue, 2015-10-13 (All day)