Officials say it will help board manage waste in a better manner and ensure proper disposal

AHMEDABAD: After the National Green Tribunal (NGT) ordered closure of ceramic units that run on coal gasifiers, as many as 450 such units in Morbi, India’s largest ceramic cluster, have closed down

MUMBAI: As many as five of the 42 water quality monitoring units on west-flowing rivers in the state have recorded ‘bad’ and ‘bad to very bad’ levels in 2017-18 compared to only one in 2016-17, fou

Jodhpur: Cracking a whip on the state government, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the state government to pay an interim compensation of Rs 30 crore to the State Pollution Control Bo

The official claimed that the noise pollution was being caused due to the increasing number of vehicles by 15 to 20 per cent.

A Yamuna monitoring committee constituted by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has informed the green panel that the State governments of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have failed to deposit the

Was told to pay Rs 50 crore, act against erring officials

KOLKATA: Nearly 3,750 vehicles are on the move per minute on city roads between 8am and 8pm, spewing a cocktail of killer gases and soot that has the city gasping for breath.

Kolkata: The state finally complied with the National Green Tribunal’s 2017 order and issued a gazette notification on Thursday, banning the use of DJs, sound boxes and loudspeakers without sound-l

Ghaziabad: The district administration on Wednesday shut down a frozen meat exporting unit in the city over alleged violation of environmental norms.
