Enable Block: 

This matter is regarding the placement of stickers on all vehicles in NCR, which would be colour coded based on the fuel used. This colour-coding of vehicles would then be used to identify vehicles that run on diesel fuel and during high pollution days, these vehicles could be asked to stop plying on roads.

In the context of the ongoing deliberation on Draft Parking Rules and Guidelines framed by the Delhi Government, the Hon’ble Supreme Court in its order dated 8.7.2019 has directed Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA) to “submit opinion/proposal/report within two weeks.

This essay examines the role of India’s 2006 Forest Rights Act in the procedures that regulate transfer of forest land to large infrastructure projects. Specifically, it shows the gap between the legally mandated requirements and how these are implemented in project approval processes.

Under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, firecrackers are recognised as one of the sources contributing to ambient noise in public places and some restrictions on their use have also been laid down.

Supreme Court judgement dated 06/10/2009 on river Noyyal pollution. The Court was of the opinion that there has been unabated pollution by the members of Tirupur Dyeing Factory Owners. They cannot escape the responsibility to meet out the expenses of reversing the ecology. They are bound to meet the expenses of removing the sludge of the river.

Supreme Court order on Vedanta mining in Orissa dated Aug 8 2008 with regard to rehabilitation package and modalities to subserve the principle of Sustainable Development.