India's wind power capacity is set to grow 30 per cent or 4,300 MW in 2016-17, helped by capacity addition in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, among others, Suzlon Group Chairman Tulsi T
Tulsi Tanti, chairman of Suzlon Group, one of the country’s largest wind turbine manufacturers, has welcomed the government’s move to award wind power projects through competitive bidding, but has
Suzlon Group, one of the leading renewable energy solutions providers in the world, announced the completion and commissioning of the 4.20 MW maiden wind project for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
Hong Kong based CLP Group has forayed into the Indian solar energy market by acquiring 49% stake in Suzlon Energy's 100 mw project in Telangana, the two companies said in a joint statement Monday.
Tulsi Tanti, the chairman and managing director of Suzlon Group said that the state government is not doing enough in terms of setting up captive power plants and there were delays in clearing dues