On a day the Capital received the season’s heaviest rain and traffic was thrown out of gear due to water-logging, the Delhi High Court pulled up the three municipal bodies on Tuesday for not taking concrete steps to deal with the poor drainage system.

A Division Bench of the Court comprising Justice S. K. Kaul and Justice Vipin Sanghi scolded the three local bodies -- East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi Municipal Corporation -- when their counsel submitted that the drains in their respective areas were very old which were coming in the way of draining of rain water fast and smoothly.

The Delhi High Court on Tuesday ordered the civic bodies — the trifurcated MCDs and the NDMC to file a detailed status report within a week on steps taken by them to prevent waterlogging in the Cap

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has claimed that it has completed the desilting of the Mithi river, removing 1.49 lakh cubic metres of silt from the river.

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has laid down a detailed programme to avoid water logging in the monsoon at sites which are under its jurisdiction.

As the monsoon nears, railway authorities have sought to assure Mumbaikars that this year, there will be no disruptions in suburban services, which usually witness substantial breakdowns every rain

GUWAHATI, Jan 17 – The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) has assured people that the task of cleaning the drains of the lanes and by-lanes of the city would be completed well ahead of the monsoo

Mumbai: In a bid to tackle the growing sewage problems in the western suburbs, the BMC is all set to unveil its Rs-400 crore project proposal under the Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project Stage II for Z

To provide better landscape and green areas in the city, a few of the major drains are being covered.

The amount and intensity of runoff at catchment scale are largely determined by the presence of impervious land cover types, which are predominant in an urbanized area. This paper examines the impact of different methods for estimating impervious surface cover on the prediction of peak discharges as determined by a fully distributed rainfall-runoff model (WetSpa). The study of River Yamuna and Hindon basin area shows detailed information on the spatial distribution of impervious surfaces, as obtained/calibrated from remotely sensed data.

The state government has set up an inter-departmental co-ordination committee to monitor the revamp of the city’s centuries-old drainage system before the next monsoon, irrigation minister Manas Bh
