If you are among those who thought or believed that dengue mosquitoes bit only early in the morning or before dusk, then beware!

India accounted for 6% of global malaria burden in 2016; highest number of cases reported in Odisha

Dengue fever is caused by the bite of an Aedes Aegypti mosquito. This female mosquito lays eggs in water containers and plants near your surroundings.

High incidence of dengue has been reported in the state for the fourth consecutive year.

Culex quinquefasciatus is a peridomestic mosquito known for its ability to transmit pathogenic diseases such as filariasis and Japanese encephalitis. The development and use of novel and innovative vector control measures such as the utilization of Wolbachia, along with the existing ones, are necessary to prevent the transmission o

HYDERABAD: While several cases of mystery fever have been reported from the city and parts of the state of late, the number of chikungunya cases (with similar symptoms) have seen a tenfold jump in

161 confirmed cases reported in district in the past 18 days

Dengue and other types of viral fevers continue to hit residents, with a number of patients thronging the local PGIMS as well as government and private hospitals in the district.

KOLKATA: An overwhelming 85% of dengue patients in Kolkata were affected with serotype II of the virus — considered the second most virulent of the four serotypes to which immunity is low in the ci

KOLKATA: Stung by more than 20 dengue deaths in Kolkata this year, the civic authorities have marked out areas that are at risk from the virus.
