The UK Treasury insisted that it would agree to the earmarking of revenues from "green" taxes for environmental spending only on a "case by case basis". Dawn Primarolo, a Treasury minister, refused

Fifty per cent of the Valley's vehicles have failed the emission tests which were introduced two years ago to counter the capital's worsening level of pollution. Failing the test were some 80 per

a new technology has been developed to reduce vehicular pollution. Deve

Studies in Kathmandu reveal that infants and children are much more vulnerable to vehicular exhaust. Lead in the auto emission can cause severe behavioural changes, affect the child's capacity of

The historic centres of many European cities could be barred to all but the most environmentally acceptable vehicles over the next 10 years if an initiative launched this week is successful. Six

Delhi roads will not have any new diesel taxis. The Delhi transport department has stopped registering new diesel taxis as part of a comprehensive transport policy to reduce pollution on city roads.

Guwahati Refinery, the first public sector refining unit in the country, is all set to begin manufacture of lead-free petrol after completion of the Isosiv project, according to its General Manager,

The Delhi government is proposing to do away with the present system for checking pollution by vehicles, and bring in laser based "Smart Dog Sniffing System." Accepting that the existing system of

The European operations of Ford and Motor Co. and General Motors Corp. are supporting a plan to raise the average fuel economy of cars sold in Europe by nearly 20 per cent, even as the North American

The Guwahati Refinery (GR), the first public sector refining unit in the country, is all set to manufacture lead-free petrol after completion of the Isosiv project, according to its general manager,
