The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) on Thursday announced its decision to intensify agitation over Mahanadi river water dispute with Chhattisgarh even as the State Government has already decided to approach

Odisha Government will soon approach the Supreme Court and National Green Tribunal (NGT) against Chhattisgarh for projects undertaken by it on the upstream of Mahanadi river.

The demand for water to support agricultural development in conflict-plagued Afghanistan often results in high-stakes water disputes, according to a new United Nations report, which underscores the need for more effective and transparent means of resolving the differences.

Farmers’ representatives across the State will launch a six-day campaign for constituting the Cauvery Management Board from November 5 to 10. Addressing the media here on Friday, P.R.

Andhra Pradesh, Telangana unhappy with KWDT-2 award, mull remedies.

Tamil Nadu joined counterparts Karnataka and Kerala to oppose the Centre’s stand that the court was barred from entertaining the appeals as the tribunal’s award was final and binding on the three n

Tribunal asked the two states to offer their observations and claims on distribution of the 1,001 tmc ft allocation.

Interim order to hold till SC decides on maintainability of States’ pleas against tribunal award

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of State of Karnataka Vs State of Tamil Nadu & Others dated 18/10/2016 regarding Cauvery river water distribution. The GS Jha-led Supreme Court appointed team submitted its report before the apex court after inspecting the Krishnaraja Sagar and the Kabini dams in Karnataka, and the Mettur and Bhavani Sagar dams in Tamil Nadu. Apex Court notes that the Committee has not suggested with regard to any quantity of water.

The Supreme Court had asked the high level central technical team to assess the realities in Cauvery basin areas in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
