The World Wide Fund for Nature-Nepal launched a new global conservation campaign on

launching a major offensive against illegal trade of wildlife products, traffic -India, a division of the World Wide Fund for Nature-India, recently started a campaign called

The World Wide Fund for Nature-India (wwf-i) brought to the attention of the Delhi High Court that the Centre had denotified large areas in the national parks and sanctuaries violating the

The controversy over funding projects for saving the Indian tiger is getting thicker. The Worldwide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-I) is planning to take legal action against Michael Day of the UK-based

The tiger is threatened almost exclusively by human action. It can only be saved from early extinction if effective measures are taken to combat the threats listed in this document. The immediate threat to its survival is the growing demand for its part for use in oriental medicine. Thus, urgent steps must be taken to stop the unprecedented pursuit and killing of the tiger. The tiger bone trade must be shut down at international and national levels.

Environment and business often make good partners. This has been amply demonstrated by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Madagascar. The Organisation there buys up commercial debts available


Massive reductions in African government conservation and law enforcement efforts could leave African elephants seriously endangered, warns a major field study recently released by World Wide Fund

The World Wide Fund for Nature is under flak from the Asian Indigenous Peoples' Pact (AIPP) for releasing an insulting fundraising advertisement in February. The advertisement shows an indigenous

DECENTRALISATION is the new watchword at World Wide Fund for Nature International"s (WWFI) headquarters at Gland, Switzerland. A restructuring effort by the management in mid-January created a whirlwind of controversy and confusion in the organisation; 31

Internal wrangling in the WWFI has conservationists wondering about the future of nurturing nature
