Rejecting official claims that migratory birds are responsible for the spread of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza (AI), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has warned of serious repercussions against wild bird populations and their habitats if people at the helm of affairs continued to issue statements that have no scientific grounds. In a statement, the WWF said: "Though there is some evidence to back the case that migratory wild birds can spread the H5N1 virus, they are not the main source of the virus, nor are they solely responsible for the spread of H5N1. No fully documented healthy migratory wild birds have tested positive for H5N1. In fact, it seems that with the degradation and destruction of lakes and wetlands, migratory birds are forced to feed and live in areas populated by domestic poultry (and humans), putting the wild birds at risk of infection.' Highlighting some scientific facts, the WWF said none of the samples collected by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) from between 300,000 to 350,000 wild birds across the world were found positive for H5N1. Likewise, a sampling of 5,000 water-birds after an outbreak in Nigeria during 2006 found no traces of the virus. After a comprehensive critical review of recent scientific literature, it has been concluded that the poultry trade

there is considerable excitement in Harike wetland in Punjab over the sudden appearance of Indus river dolphins, an endangered species found only in Pakistan. "When I saw the hump and the snout, I

The Monpa tribals live in the Pangchen Valley of Arunachal Pradesh. Protection of forests and wildlife has traditionally been an integral part of the Monpa tribal culture. Recognising the value of local participation in conservation, the State government and the forest department have joined hands with WWF India in Arunachal Pradesh to give the co-operation a formal shape.

This report showing how setting up a domestic emissions trading scheme (ETS) could turn Japan into a credible leader in the global fight against climate change and bring massive benefits for the country's flagging economy.

Through its Green Carbon Initiative, WWF is deeply involved in the process of developing a credible and comprehensive standard system for forest carbon projects. This guidebook sets out what an appropriate meta-standard framework (MSF) must encompass in terms of both technical and methodological elements and implementation procedures to guide project developers and investors. It identifies those issues for which adequate guidance exists and point to where to find it. It also discusses topics for which further development is encouraged.

The proponents of coal have come up with a novel idea

A few years ago WWF-India brought out the Road to Redemption which traced the history of Species Conservation division

This WWF report seeks to answer the question: "Is it technically possible to meet the growing global demand for energy by using clean and sustainable energy sources and technologies that will protect the global climate?' In other words, can a concerted shift to the sustainable energy resources and technologies that are available today meet the more than doubling of global energy demand projected by 2050, while avoiding dangerous climatic change of more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels?.

The European Union (eu) was recently criticised for its contradictory policies on climate change and trade by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (wwf). On June 28, it asked the eu to scrap anti-dumping

• The World Wildlife Fund for Nature has called on the International Marine Organization and the international shipping community to outlaw tributylin, a paint used to stop shellfish and other
