Order of the High Court of Meghalaya on making Covid-19 vaccination mandatory in the state, 23/06/2021
Order of the High Court of Meghalaya on making Covid-19 vaccination mandatory in the state, 23/06/2021
Order of the High Court of Meghalaya dated 23/06/2021 on making Covid-19 vaccination mandatory in the state, before he or she resumes their businesses.
The High Court directed that all shops/establishments/local taxis/auto-rickshaws/maxi cabs and buses should display prominently at a conspicuous place, a sign "vaccinated' in the event all employees and staff of the concerned shop/establishment are vaccinated.
Likewise, all the establishments should display a sign 'not vaccinated' in the event all the employees and staff of the concerned shop/establishment are not vaccinated. The state government has been asked to tackle vaccine hesitation, so that at the earliest, all the eligible persons in Meghalaya are vaccinated well within the timeframe as may be specified by the state.