Order of the National Green Tribunal on measures taken for the shifting of the villages from the forest area in Suresh Vs State of Maharashtra & Others, 25/09/2013
Order of the National Green Tribunal on measures taken for the shifting of the villages from the forest area in Suresh Vs State of Maharashtra & Others, 25/09/2013
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Suresh Vs State of Maharashtra & Others issued on 25/09/2013 regarding measures taken for shifting of villages from the forest area, the status about manner in which the contracts are given for collecting Tendu leaves from the forest area and outside the forest area, the annual percentage of fire incidents from the period of filing of the Writ Petition up till the current year, the protection available to the Forest Guards, who are assigned duty to prevent the mischief mongers, who cause fire or indulge in poaching in the forest area.
Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/136(THC)-2013(OA)_25Sep2013.pdf