Order of the National Green Tribunal on unregulated handling of plastic, Delhi, 18/07/2019

The issue for consideration is compliance of the judgment by the Supreme Court in M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India & Ors: (2004) directing shifting/closing of industrial activities falling under category ‘F’ of the Master Plan of Delhi, 2001. Aggrieved by the inaction of the authorities on the subject, petitions were filed in the Delhi High Court alleging that unauthorized industrial activities which included handling of plastic and its illegal disposal by way of burning, etc. were continuing. The proceedings were transferred to the Tribunal. 

Unregulated handling of plastic in Delhi including burning was continuing even after Supreme Court directions on the matter 14 years back imperiling the health of the citizens and the environment, read the order of the NGT dated July 18, 2019. The Tribunal in December 3, 2018 directed the Government of Delhi to deposit a sum of Rs. 25 Crores towards cost of damage to the environment and furnish performance guarantee in the like amount with the CPCB. It was further directed that if the failure continues, the Delhi Government will be liable to pay a further amount of Rs, 10 Crore per month as a coercive measure for compliance of the order of this Tribunal. But CPCB has informed the Tribunal that the Delhi Government has not deposited the amount. NGT while expressing its dissatisfaction with the action taken report said the "action hardly meets the magnitude of violation" and gave last opportunity to the Delhi Government to deposit the amount.