Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding steps to prevent forest fires in Uttarakhand, 17/05/2023
Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding steps to prevent forest fires in Uttarakhand, 17/05/2023
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of In Re: T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 17/05/2023 regarding forest fires in the state of Uttarakhand.
The present application has been filed with the following prayers:
1. Permit the state government to maintain fire lines in forest areas in forests of Uttarakhand even if it ordains felling of green trees
2. Permit the state government of Uttarakhand to carry out silviculture operations including felling, thinning, pollarding and other cultural operations in accordance with the prescriptions of working plans approved by the MoEF&CC
3. Pass an order to the Central Government and to CAMPA to provide for requisite funds under Rule 5 and Rule 6 of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Rules 2018 for preparation of working plans as per the National Working Plan Code so as to ensure best management for forest fire management and suppression. Funds may also be provided for undertaking forest research which cover all subjects of forest management.
So far as prayer 1 and 2 are concerned, the Additional Solicitor General of India stated that MoEF&CC has no objection for the same. He informed the apex court that maintaining of fire lines and silviculture operations are part of the approved working plans. Thus the SC granted the prayers.
When it came to the third part of the application, the SC directed the MoEF&CC to file its reply within a period of six weeks.