Question raised in Lok Sabha on Fluoride and Arsenic in Drinking Water, 09/03/2017
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Fluoride and Arsenic in Drinking Water, 09/03/2017
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Fluoride and Arsenic in Drinking Water, 09/03/2017. As reported by the States into the online Integrated Management Information System (IMIS), the
number of rural habitations affected with excess arsenic and fluoride in drinking water as on 04/03/2017 is at Annexure-I. Funds to the tune of Rs 814.14 crore released to ongoing Sub-Mission schemes during 2016-17 along with number of arsenic/ fluoride affected habitations to be targeted for coverage with safe drinking water is at Annexure-II. In order to provide safe drinking water in all remaining arsenic and fluoride affected habitations an estimate of capital cost required is made by the Government and funds estimated for the next 3-4 years State/UT-wise is given at Annexure-III. The funds allocated released and utilized under the NRDWP (which interalia include the important component of tackling contamination of drinking water) during the last three years and current year till 04.03.2017 is at Annexure-IV.