Question raised in Lok Sabha on Malnutrition among women and children, 11/12/2015

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Malnutrition among women and children, 11/12/2015. As per National Family Health Survey -3 (2005-06), 54.5% under five children belonging to Scheduled Tribes are underweight, 53.9% are stunted and 27.6% are wasted. However, as per the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC), 2013-14, commissioned by Ministry of Women and Child Development, 36.7% under five children belonging to Schedule Tribes are underweight, 42.3% are stunted and 18.7% are wasted, which is a reduction from the previous NFHS-3 levels. The state-wise details are at Annexure-1. Further, as per the NFHS-3, 46.6% women in the age group of 15 to 49 years belonging to Scheduled Tribes suffer from chronic energy deficiency. The state-wise details are at Annexure-2. The funds released during the last three years and the current year for these schemes along with achievements is at Annexure 3 to 8.
