Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Level of pollution in metropolitan cities, 21/11/2016
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Level of pollution in metropolitan cities, 21/11/2016
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Level of pollution in metropolitan cities, 21/11/2016. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in association with State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) / Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) monitors air and water bodies across the country under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) and National Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NWMP). Annual Ambient Air Quality data for ten major metropolitan cities during 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 is annexed. Water quality of Rivers is monitored at 1275 monitoring locations across the country. The assessment of water quality of Rivers indicate that there are 302 polluted river stretches on 275 Rivers based on the evaluation of water quality data over the years with respect to indicator of organic pollution i.e. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). 650 Towns were identified as polluting sources along those river stretches out of which 35 are metropolitan cities.