Question raised in Rajya Sabha on small and medium irrigation projects in Maharashtra, 02/03/2015

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on small and medium irrigation projects in Maharashtra, 02/03/2015. According to the latest released publication on Land Use Statistics at a glance, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, the gross unirrigated/rainfed area in the country is 103716 thousand hectares (provisional data for the year 2011-12). The state-wise details are given at Annexure-I. As per information furnished by the Government of Maharashtra, the area under actual irrigation in Maharashtra is 32.60 lakh hectare. The district-wise details of actual irrigation during 2013-14 are given at Annexure-II. As per information furnished by the Govt. Of Maharashtra, 452 projects are under
construction in Maharashtra out of which 97 projects are medium and 283 projects are minor. Their details are given at Annexure-III.
