Statistics related to climate change - India

The present state of the environment with regard to climate change is reflected in the condition of the atmosphere and hydrological system of the earth. The various initiatives taken by CSO since 1997 have led to collection, compilation and dissemination of Statistics related to Environment and a regular annual publication titled “Compendium of Environment Statistics” is brought out. As discussions on climate change took centre stage, it was decided to put together data sets related to climate change in accordance with the framework developed by CSO. The publication consists of three distinct parts viz. causal factors behind climate change; impact factors of climate change; and mitigation and adaptation. The draft publication prepared by CSO based on the framework was discussed in a National Workshop organized by CSO in Kolkata in October, 2013 in which subject experts, researchers, academicians and representatives of Central Ministries and State Governments participated. All the data tables were also discussed in detail.
