An analysis of changing pattern in area, production and productivity of coffee and tea in India
An analysis of changing pattern in area, production and productivity of coffee and tea in India
Plantation crops are high value commercial crops with greater economic importance and play a vital role in Indian economy. The major plantation crops include coconut, cashew nut, coffee, tea and rubber. Exports of tea, coffee and rubber are contributing 15 percent to the total agricultural export earnings. It is the source of livelihood for millions of small and marginal farmers and provides employment for millions of plantation workers. The export earnings from plantation crops like coffee and tea played a significant role in financing Indian development. Plantation sector has plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the Indian regions. Being export oriented crops, changes in the trade policies affect the production of these crops much more than any other crops. Trade liberalization polices adopted in India with the introduction of New Economic Policies has greater impact on the area, production and productivity of these crops. The aim of this paper is to study the changing pattern in area, production and productivity of coffee and tea in India during pre and post liberalization period.