Of your waste, the government needs to tell the plastic industry. Other countries have done so. At times, to developing nations detriment. India needs to learn and adapt

Whenever the Supreme Court pulls the trigger, why does it miss the target? Because governments like those of the seven Northeast states work hard to defeat every good intention. The apex court imposed an interim ban on felling in forests on December 1

Environmental groups wage legal war to contain mining operations in Karnataka s Kudremukh National Park

Governments clinically interpret the ban to make space for the forest bureaucracy, alienating people from their own habitats

Just below the Kurdemukh mines flows the Bhadra, and on the opposite side of the river is the house of Gulabi. "We once owned that land,' says Gulabi pointing towards the mined area, little realising

How the judgement took shape

How governments are using every lacuna in the law to blind the Supreme Court

Some areas where the Supreme Court has cracked its whip

Read between the lines: the Supreme Court order has a development model hidden for the Northeast

The Constitution empowers the Autonomous District Councils to enact laws regarding allotment, occupation, use or setting apart of land for agriculture and non-agricultural purposes "to promote the
