INDUSTRY SAYS ENVIRONMENTALISTS SAY It'll join national reforestation efforts It is welcome, but should encourage farmers to grow trees on low

The battle of the genders intensifies as scientists discover that the differences begin, and perhaps end, at one of the human fundamentals: the brain

PAPER is important, but so are forests. The proposal of the ministry for environment and forests to allow the paper industry to establish captive plantations on degraded forest lands, has provoked angry reactions from environmentalists. Many academics a

Radioactive tracers injected into the brains of 61 men and women show fundamental differences; the bright patches, different in the 2 sexes, are evidence of intense activity

Alarmed by the sharp depletion of fish stocks, 7 environmental groups, led by the Natural Resources Defense Council of the USA, recently launched a campaign to save the world's large pelagic (open

WOMEN • Women perform better than men on tests of perceptual speed -- in which subjects must rapidly identify matching items, such as pairing a picture with its twin in a given set of

Friends of the Earth - Europe's 'Sustainable Europe Campaign', launched in November 199j, entered its second phase recently. The campaign aims at enhancing the development and diffusion of

The human instinct and obsession to explore, and discover in all ways, shaped the world we know. Humans have visited virtually every desolate face on the face of Earth, have lifted off the planet to

Forest protection in a Midnapore village has created prosperity and local heroes

Take a look at this scenario: researchers trying to trace the causes of the Bosnian war, in deficiencies in seratonin-reuptake mechanisms, in the brain of the Radovan Karadzic(Bosnian Serb leader),
