As traditional coal run brick kilns in Kaithal turn polluters, moves are afloat to shift them out of villages

Eight USAID funded studies have been completed

Punjawas in the villages of Kaithal are products of centuries of mastery over fire : the kumhars have learnt to manipulate the physical gradient of a punjawa so that the rising heat from constantly

The GIS is not merely a cartographic tool

How a village in Rajasthan greened its pasture despite official hamhandedness

Indian manufacturers of CFCs are no longer fatalistic about winding up, but they are banding together to overcome ploys that will gag attempts to recoup their investments

As a convergence of technological fields and traditional disciplines, of geography and remote sensing, surveying and computer science, GIS has a wide range of applications

The GIS' greatest enemy is a government obsessed with paranoid secrecy about data

Digital palimpsest: In 1991, the National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad, used GIS to undertake a pilot study for wasteland development in Bellary district of Karnataka. The wastelands were divided

Even though demand and capacity for CFCs in developing countries is set to dwindle, the big multinationals have ensured a massive surplus for themselves
