Willingness to pay for water services in two communities of Mutale local municipality, South Africa: A case study
The provision of reliable and adequate drinking water services in rural communities is important. Here, the researchers reported on a study that evaluated the respondents’ willingness to pay for water services in the two communities in Mutale Local Municipality, South Africa. The study was accomplished through open-ended questionnaire interviews with selected respondents. The study showed that respondents were dissatisfied with the unreliable water services (89.9%) but were willing to pay for water services to secure reliable water services (95.5%). The respondents with tertiary level education were willing to pay R 150 per month per 6 kilolitres. The maximum 6 kilolitres is the free basic water services that the municipality can provide without collecting water revenues. The following variables: literacy levels; household size of 3 to 6 members; the age of 40; and monthly incomes, had a significant effect (p = 0.005) on the monetary amount and the willingness to pay.