What is polluting?

There is much confusion among government authorities and industrialists regarding the definition of a polluting industry. Even those seeking de-sealing have no clue on what basis they should file the application. Consider the case of a plastic moulding unit. The owner has alleged that he was given a license to operate under category A (plastic moulding). But now he has been told that it falls under category F! "All these categories, A-F, have nothing to do with the environment,' says K P Nyati, head, environment management division, Confederation of Indian Industry, and also the member of review committee formed by the Delhi government to look into the polluting nature of industrial units.

During the first phase of the sealing drive, 27 types of industries, out of a total of 81 F category units, were sealed. "But nowhere is it mentioned that the F category consists of polluting industries,' says Y P Suri, vice-president, Delhi Manufacturers Federation. According to the Masterplan, F category consists of