With over Rs 8000-crore junk food industry in India fuelling a host of health disorders such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension amongst urban adolescents -- serious facts came out of the roundtable organised by CSE at New Delhi.

This document presents the discussion note during the Round Table organised by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) brings together top doctors, educationists and civil society representatives on Nov 1st, 2011. The Rs 8000-crore junk food industry in India is fuelling a host of health disorders such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension amongst urban adolescents is one of the facts which came out of this Round Table meeting.

See Also

Presentation: Obesity - The Indian Perspective.

Presentation: Junking the Junk.

Fact-Sheet: Food Safety Watch.

Feature: Health Effects of Energy Drinks on Children and Adolescents.

Feature: Cap energy drinks.

Report: Chronic NCDs in India.

Report: Junk diet.

Report: The economic burden of NCDs.

Report: The economic implications of non-communicable disease for India.
