Green India Mission: India’s REDD+ action plan to disempower and evict forest communities from their own homelands
Green India Mission: India’s REDD+ action plan to disempower and evict forest communities from their own homelands
This critique of the Green India Mission highlights the international political agenda motivating it as well as how this impacts communities and forest governance.
The Government of India announced it’s first ever National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in June 2008 to identify measures and steps to advance climate change-related actions in its domestic sphere. One of the eight missions is the Green India Mission (GIM), which was ‘launched to enhance eco-system services including carbon sinks to be called Green India.’ This paper highlights the international political agenda motivating the agenda of the Mission as well as how it impacts communities, forest governance and therefore access to forest rights.
See Also
Report: India finalises Green India Mission (GIM)
Report: Public consultations on GIM
Report: Draft of the National Mission for a Green India
Report: India’s forest and tree cover: contribution as a carbon sink.
Feature: Soon - India’s first REDD project
Feature: Green Mission - raise forests, sink CO2,
Feature: REDD, REDD+ and India
Report: The greener side of REDD+.