Question raised in Rajya Sabha on contamination of drinking water, 03/08/2015
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on contamination of drinking water, 03/08/2015
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on contamination of drinking water, 03/08/2015. Rajasthan is the worst State affected with 22,254 water quality affected habitations which are yet to be provided safe drinking water as on 1/4/2015. In Rajasthan, as on 1/4/2015, as reported by the State Government into the online Integrated Management Information System developed by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, 7,056 fluoride affected habitations, 14 iron affected habitations, 13,814 salinity (dissolved solids) affected habitations and 1,370 nitrate affected habitations are yet to be provided safe drinking water.