Energy Trilemma Index 2016: benchmarking the sustainability of national energy systems
Energy Trilemma Index 2016: benchmarking the sustainability of national energy systems
Access to electricity and clean cooking has improved for the 125 Index countries to 85% and 74% respectively since 2000. At the same time cleaner forms of energy are being used for each dollar created, with CO2 intensity decreasing to 0.27tCo2/US$ in 2014, and the share of renewables in the global energy mix going up to 9.7% in 2015. This signals that countries are building more sustainable energy system by concurrently addressing the three dimensions of the Energy Trilemma – energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability – finds the new Energy Trilemma Index report. The Energy Trilemma Index 2016: Benchmarking the sustainability of national energy systems prepared by the World Energy Council, in partnership with Oliver Wyman along with its parent Marsh & McLennan Companies’ Global Risk Center, provides a comparative ranking of 125 countries in terms of their ability to provide secure, affordable and environmentally sustainable energy systems. The 6th annual edition presents a new methodology based on a comprehensive set of 35 indicators with enhanced focus on diversity, quality and affordability of supply as well as the resilience of a country’s system.