Ethiopia Country Refugee Response Plan (2020-2021)

The activities described in the 2020-2021 Ethiopia Country Refugee Response Plan, aims to provide protection and multi-sectorial assistance to refugees, in addition to targeted support to their host communities. Response partners will continue to seek innovative, cost-effective and sustainable ways to deliver basic needs and essential services, including life-saving assistance. A comprehensive protection and solutions strategy has been developed for registered refugees in the country. While the strategic objectives are adapted to suit the specific situations and needs, core common objectives include: preserving and enhancing the protection environment and living conditions for refugees and the promotion of peaceful coexistence; strengthening refugee protection through the expansion of improved community-based and multi-sectorial child protection and SGBV programmes; strengthening access to basic services; expanding labour opportunities; supporting the implementation of the GoE’s CRRF Pledges to expand access to rights, services, and self-reliance opportunities in the longer-term, in line with the Global Compact on Refugees; contributing to the development of linkages to local and national development interventions; and expanding access to solutions when feasible and legal migration pathways.
