Global multidimensional poverty index 2021
Global multidimensional poverty index 2021
Differences in so-called multidimensional poverty among ethnic groups are consistently high across many countries, according to a new analysis. The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), produced by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, also found that in nine specific ethnic groups surveyed, more than 90 per cent of the population is trapped in poverty. In some cases, disparities across ethnic and racial groups are greater than across regions within a country. More than that, the disparities across the Index for ethnicity, is greater than that across all 109 countries, and all other variables tested. Besides income, the Index measures poverty using various indicators, including poor health, insufficient education and a low standard of living. The research for the report was conducted across 109 countries, covering 5.9 billion people, and presents an ethnicity/race/caste disaggregation, for 41 nations.