A comparison of the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from combustion and electric heavy-duty vehicles in India

This study evaluates the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) contributions of different HDV vehicle technologies and fuel pathways in India. Examining three representative HDVs—a 12-tonne rigid truck, a 55-tonne tractor trailer, and an urban bus—evaluate a mix of different powertrain technologies, including best-in-class diesel HDVs, natural gas-fueled HDVs, battery-electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles. The heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) sector accounts for a majority of India’s on-road transport emissions and is one of the largest contributors to total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the country. Though Indian authorities have implemented efficiency standards for HDVs and proposed ambitious biofuel blending mandates, HDV emissions are still expected to as much as double by 2050, which would be incompatible with national and international climate commitments. To meet its decarbonization goals, India must reduce HDV emissions.