Analysis of financial components of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs): lessons for future NDCs

This paper tries to capture the main characteristics of financial components of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), in order to deepen understanding of developing countries’ financial needs. Such analysis will help developed countries and other countries consider provisions of financial support to developing countries. For this purpose, this paper examines 151 countries, which that submitted INDCs to the UNFCCC until July 2016 among the Non-Annex II countries. This paper covers 87 % of the Non-Annex II countries. Out of the 151 countries covered, 129 countries (86%) of developing countries mention a request for international support. While, 70 countries (46%) refers to domestic financial mobilization. Additionally, 126 countries (84%) state that their INDC targets or actions are conditional upon international financial support. With regard to the extent to which INDCs show how countries are using financial sources they request, 61 countries (45%) do not mention this matter. In terms of sector, 103 countries (68%) request support for the mitigation and adaptation sector in their INDCs. 80 out of the 151 countries quantify how much finance they need and/or request for their INDC implementation. However, when it comes to specific methodologies for such quantification, out of these 80 countries, only 29 show the sources they cite or used for their estimation.
