Climate Scope 2017 - The Clean Energy Country Competitiveness Index
Climates scope a detailed, country-by-country quantitative assessment of clean energy market conditions and opportunities in 71 nations in South America, Europe, Africa, the Mideast, and Asia. For the first time since Climate scope was launched fouryearsago the average country score fell year-on-year. The top 10 highest scoring nations this year consist of three from Asia (China, India, and Vietnam), four from the Latin America/Caribbean region (Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and Uruguay), two from Africa (South Africa and Kenya), and one from the Middle East (Jordan). Egypt made key changes to its existing feed-in tariff scheme and has set clear clean energy goals which boosted the country's Climatescope score 0.44 from last year and moving it up 23 slots to 19th in the survey.