Developing an indicator-based approach to evaluate the effectiveness of urban regeneration for climate change mitigation and adaptation

Urban regeneration policy and practices can be an opportunity to take actions to make cities more climate-friendly and less vulnerable. However, the potential role of urban regeneration is not sufficiently evaluated and understood. Considering this assumption, this research aims to evaluate the role of urban regeneration in developing climate resilient and low-carbon urban environments. To this end, an indicator framework has been developed and applied to two specific case study areas in Japan, namely Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 and Kanazawa City. Minato Mirai 21 is a symbolic waterfront redevelopment project in the central district of Yokohama city. On the other hand, Kanazawa city is known for its regeneration attempts to achieve compact urban form and revitalize its downtown through a “city centre revitalization plan”.
